Nicholas Roerich
Interactive multimedia installation
Nicholas Roerich
about project
"Nicholas Roerich" is an interactive installation on the walls of the Kazan Gallery of Modern Art, dedicated to the work of the artist Nicholas Roerich.
In this project, the viewer is a participant who controls both the image and the sound. Visitors can fly over mountains, control the Northern Lights with meditative soundtracks, or create their own painting based on Roerich's textures by moving their arms and body. The interactivity of the installation creates a sense of mystery that pervades all of Roerich's work and life.
Nicholas Roerich (1874 1947) Russian artist, philosopher and public figure. The largest representative of Russian symbolism.

Nicholas Roerich
The task is to create a meditative atmosphere through multimedia for the viewing of the exhibition “Nicholas Roerich. From the collection of the State Russian Museum”.
In multimedia content, we are based on working with color. Because color is the central category in the work of Nicholas Roerich. “The order of the future sounds through color. Everything gray, black, gloomy, foggy already darkened the human consciousness. Everyone should think again about the bright brilliant shades that always mark the Renaissance,” says Roerich.
Project location double-height exhibition hall of the gallery. The entire installation lasts 20 minutes and consists of 5 parts. All parts of the installation are interconnected by the reproduction of Nicholas Roerich's quotes voiced by Michael Merkushin, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan.
part 1
Part 1 is based on the Himalayan cycle of Roerich's paintings. The viewer, through the watching of the content on the walls, flies over the Roerich mountains to the meditative background music. We see the connection of the foreground and the sky through a chain of ridges, which raises a sense of the depth of space.
part 2
Part 2 (interactive) is based on the painting "Сelestial battle". Clouds are in the center of the composition. The effect of immersion in content is created without touching anything. It is enough for the viewer to make movements with his hands in the air to set the direction of the movement of the clouds from Roerich's painting.
part 3
Part 3 (interactive) is based on the painting “Kangchenjunga. Himalayas". With the movement of the hands, the viewer paints the picture in the original colors and in parallel affects the musical accompaniment. Because each shaded part of the picture reproduces certain sounds. So the order of painting affects the background music being played.
part 4
Part 4 (interactive) is based on the painting "Midnight". Here the viewer influences the animation of the northern lights through working with sound: by pressing the midi keyboard, the viewer selects combinations of sounds. A set of sounds forms a unique animation.
part 5
Part 5 (interactive) is devoted entirely to color: here the textures of the paintings are blurred into an abstract form. By pressing the keys, the viewer can rotate and mix the visual streams, thus changing the image.
Interactive artwork:
Eduard Krasilnikov (@ed.creativecoder),
Marat Latypov
Video, 3d motion design:
Marat Latypov

Vanya Limb
Michael Merkushin
Damir Allyamov,
Diana Gazimova,
Aniya Faizrahmanova